Friday, July 20, 2012

Bipolar Marriage eBook by Alice Madison Young

‘I love you I hate you; a Bipolar Marriage’ by Alice Madison Young is a great eBook for anyone who is in a relationship with a bipolar patient.

What I really liked about this book was how Alice gave us a personal glimpse into what it’s like to live in a bipolar marriage. I was the wife of a bipolar patient and life was not easy by any means. Technically we are still married but have been separated for years.

Anyways Alice Madison Young shares what it was like living with her manic depressive husband. This is a true account of the life, sometimes good and sometimes bad that one lives through in this type of marriage.

She describes how the symptom of the mental health disorder wreaked havoc on her marriage. Her husband was a rapid cycler which means he could change his mood from one minute to the next.

When she describes the time she had to call 911 for her safety because he was cycling, it brought back terrifying memories of my own. That 2002 incident, as she recalled it made me feel so badly for her. Her telling of his first breakdown in 2000 , shows just how easily a mental breakdown can occur within a bipolar episode.

I highly recommend ‘I love you I hate you; a Bipolar Marriage’ by Alice Madison Young and you can purchase it on Amazon. For $2.99, it is a great read for anyone who may be living the life.

Bad Stuff-- Few typos but otherwise a solid useful book.

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